Bowsprit Sails

As I was walking through the Annapolis Boat Show I was struck by how similar the new boats seemed to be. To the untrained eye they would’ve been difficult to tell apart from one another. If it hadn’t been for the prominently displayed builders and designers logos. They were all very similar in their concepts. … Read more

Light-Air Sailing | Racing Tricks

Boats racing in light air

For most sailors, when the wind gets really light, it’s time for the motor. If you are racing however, that’s not an option. Light air sailing is the most overlooked and under practiced sailing skill. Especially for those sailors that live in generally windy areas. Having grown up and raced in a light wind area, … Read more

Sailors and Rum | A Long Relationship

    Sailors and rum have had a long relationship going back centuries. The Caribbean is normally associated with the origin of rum dating back to the 17th century. In fact, the association of rum with the Royal Navy began in 1655, when a Royal Navy fleet captured the island of Jamaica. With the availability … Read more